Thursday, September 15, 2011

More on abuse

Being a survivor of sexual abuse isn`t an easy task. You have to go through so many bad days, so many hard days, and so much trauma before you are free from it. It will never go away, and the trust you should have to other people, can sometimes not be there.

Trust is a very important issue. The day you meet new people, you do want to trust them, right? Well, what if you cannot trust them? Or you TRY to trust them, and then you get slapped in the face, because they abuse that trust?

Then you are right back at starters. You need to try again. And somehow you say, there is always something good in people. There IS always something good in everyone. It just is very hard to see that at times. I have a trustissue. I do not trust people, I try to, but I have been let down so many times, it is hard to get that trusting feeling back.

Just the fact that you have someone you talk to. You have started to trust that person, and then he or she turns on you. And you know they did, because you can hear what others tell you, or you can see how they try to stay away. What do you do when that happens?

There are many things to be said or done. The most important thing to do is to forgive. Not always the easy part, but far off the best part. Trusting someone is to put yourself out there. Trusting someone is to tell your inner self. You feel like there is someone there you can talk to. And then, the person do something, say something, and you are back at the beginning.

Family and friends are the ones you trust, right? What if that familymember or that friend leave you alone? Where do you go from there? And what do you do? CAN you make it even though you feel betrayed? Sure you can. You are not alone, no matter what you think.

Trust is very important, especially when you are hurt and need someone to talk to. But the trust you try to have in people, can be shattered in a moment. Nothing special may happen, just a little word or a look, it is enaugh. And you are back at start.

Keep on working on it. I do. EVERY DAY. I NEED to do it. I NEED to work on my trustissue. Why? Because of the fact that so many people have let me down, and I have a very hard time trusting anyone.

HOW did I manage to get free from the abuse, and what have I done to stay free? I startet many years ago, by trying to talk with someone. My ex husband was the first person ever to know what I had gone through. It was hard to start telling, and it took years before I was finally free from it.'

I startet telling, because I knew I would never be free unless I told someone. I was so scared. But I NEEDED to tell. And, it took me years to get free. I talked and talked, I was in counseling, I was in hospital, I was almost getting mad. AND dead.

But, the Lord held His hand over me, and that is why I managed to do what needed to be done to survive. Now, I am trying to help others in the same place I were. I am trying to let them know who they are, that they are free, they do not have to use every day feeling shame.

The shame isn`t theirs. The shame is for the abuser to have. The fear is for the abuser. You have to take control over your own life, and you are never alone. Keep on with the work to be free. Keep on telling yourself YOU ARE FREE. Noone can ever do anything to hurt you. The fear you had, is gone. He can never hurt you again. This may seem easy, but it is NOT. We just have to keep on going. Keep on loving ourself. Keep on being the person we are.

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