And every new day give new things coming up.
Let me tell you this: Today there are more porn online than there is Christian sites. No matter what you are looking for, those pornsites come puffing up. And men think women are all sluts, whores. No wonder. So many women are giving their bodies to the net, showing off, thinking that is what we all want. We dont. We would like to be safe when online, right?
To be a victim of abuse, to have seen so many girls raped, hurt, abused, and in the end killed,(suicide,but they were killed from the start, when they were abused, raped....) it is hard to see all these pages popping up. I know for a fact that many of the girls there, are NOT there of their own free will. And knowing, ALSO for a fact, that men are sending this around, showing others, so THEY can send it on, makes me very sad.
Where are the empathy for those girls who after all are being used? Where is the thoughts of stopping this? Where are the thoughts: This could be MY daughter, MY wife, MY mother? Who is abused, used, whatever? They get addicted to drugs, because in the beginning, this is how they are abused, while so high, they dont know what is done to them. And then they get addicted, they NEED the drugs, and are STILL used while high......
Somehow I feel MY body is being used again. Used and abused. Over and over. Maybe it isnt so, because I am not the one being used now, but knowing that every man....(well, over 90 %) in the world, are looking for this, I feel violated.
I guess, when you have gone through abuse, you will feel that way?
And then, the feeling of worthlessness, the feeling that whenever the one you love make love to YOU, who is he really thinking about? Does he like MY body? Does he like the way I do things? Or do he always compare with the movies, the pictures, all those things that he can find online?
And what about those "sweet nothing`s" that lovers whisper? Does he want to whisper: I love you, in her ear? Or does he want to say: Slut, do this, do that, mmm, your ****** is this and that.....dirty......
And what about emotions? Does he show emotions? Or is it like he cant show feelings anymore? Maybe he is even so hard, he cant understand what you feel like? Does he even care about how you feel?
So many things happen when people see porn first. They lose out of what is LOVE, because porn has NOTHING to do with love. Porn is ACTING! They are acters. They do what they do, because someone is telling them how to do thing, and how not to do, what to say, how to show things, etc etc.
I remember one time, I was about 14 years old, and saw a pornmovie. I was shocked, I felt violated, I felt so bad. But what I remember most, was the fact that the girls was killed after they had raped them. I remember the blood. Oh yeah. I will never forget that!
And, you know what? Maybe it was real, maybe not, but the main factor was that these girls was ONLY good for that one thing, and after that....gee.....just kill them, they dont mean anything......
THIS is what is shown. Girls are nothing. Do whatever, they are not worth the good life anyway. Men rule, money rule. Women? No. No need for them......
So where is the thoughts of mom, sister, daughter, even granddaughter. When you try to educate them not to show off, not to be a whore. And then, two seconds later, you go online to see the sluts, whores, the porn. And think noone knows.....
Feelings are gone. They dont mean anything anymore. One-night-stands have come to stay. And the condoms have gone. New babies being born every day, some just to be sent on to xxx-movies. They steal children all over the world, to "teach" them to be prostitutes.
Talk. OH MY. I have never heard so many bad words about women as I have lately. Respect is not there. Women are bi*****, p****, whatever bad things. I dont get it. EVERY TIME I hear that, I feel violated.
"I am sorry you feel that way".....if that was true, why say it? Oh no, not to me, that would be ONE time only. But hey, I can hear it. And it hurt me to even hear it! It is like: You are not worth nothing, all you women are bi**** and whores, sluts, good for just one thing....and one thing only.....and after that...back to the kitchen....Yeah.....
You dont see that WE are the ones giving BIRTH to your sorry ass, right? As soon as you are born, you start learning. Your dad say this and that, your friends, and their friends, and then...there you are, just the same.....
In China they dont really want girls to be born, so many are aborted even at 9 months, because they are "just girls". No wonder women feel bad, we are not even worth being born. But what you dont see, is that when women are gone, you will all be gone.
Well. I am thinking alot. And feeling alot.......
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